The ancients of South America worshipped the “Sun” for the “Incas” “Mayans” and “Aztecs” their very land was a monument to the “Sun”. “Tiwanaku” is one such example as its one of the largest archeological sites of South America and is said by some to be at least 12,000 years old.
The ancient city of “Tiwanaku” is pretty much an observatory of the stars and within the walls of “Tiwanaku” we find many structures reflecting this and many of them have names whose astronomical purposes can be explained by way of the ancient Sanskrit language.
The centrepiece of “Tiwanaku” was the “Akapana Pyramid” and this was surrounded by cities, temples and also amazing irrigation channels which used an ingenious system that enabled it to feed the citizens of this once great ancient city.
At fourteen thousand feet above sea level any crops which are grown would succumb to the freezing effects of the frost. The citizens built up narrow banks of soil through which flowed the irrigation channels, which not only fed the crops but due to the effects of the Sun, fed them warm water enabling them to survive the freezing nights.
The “Akapana Pyramid” which is the centrepiece of “Tiwanaku” has upon its summit a huge water tank whose waters were warmed by the Sun and these waters slowly seeped into the complex system of irrigation channels which once again provided warm water for the crops.
The name “Akapana” can be very much translated through the ancient Sanskrit language as the “water ( pani ) of the Sun ( arka )” or as the “drinking ( pana ) from the Sun ( arka )” or even as the “canal ( pana ) of the Sun ( arka )”.
To the North of the “Akapana Pyramid” we find the courtyard of “Kalasasaya” which is described as a “sacred space” used for public and religious ceremonies. The most obvious part of its name is “Kala” which the academics translate as “stone” and which in Sanskrit means “time”.
Considering how “Tiwanaku” was seen as the “centre of the universe” and how the complex was structured around astrological concepts “time” seems appropriate, and as the second part “Sasaya” is also Sanskrit as in “ever flowing” “abundant” “unfailing” as in “ever flowing ( sasaya ) time ( kala )” or “abundant ( sasaya ) time ( kala )” it obviously deserves serious consideration.
An advanced civilisation capable of transporting stones weighing hundreds of tons some 50 miles away to construct astrological monuments and observatories and also grow crops where normally you could not grow crops, and when these great feats have been accomplished they give it amazingly imaginative names such as “Standing Stones”.
Next to the courtyard of “Kalasasaya” we find another courtyard known as “Kerikala” and once again this Sanskrit “Kala” meaning “time”. Academics who are allergic to anything of a “metaphysical” or even “romantic” view of history quickly transforms the divine into nothing but “stones”.
Next to the “Akapana Pyramid” we have the temple of “Kantatallita” which is said to mean “the light of the dawn”. One of the Sanskrit words for the “Moon” is “Kanta” and “Talita” is Sanskrit for “fixed” “placed” hence “Kantatalita” would be Sanskrit for the “fixed ( talita ) moon ( kanta )” which seems appropriate for a temple whose people worshipped both “Sun” and “Moon”.
As for the name “Tiwanaku” one could speculate with words such as “Devan” and “Arka” however its original name was “Taypikala” and once again we see what seems to be the Sanskrit “Kala” meaning “time”. The academics unanimously agree on “stones” and this time its “stones in the centre” while in Sanskrit “Tapa” and “Tapi” are related to “heat” the word “Tapa” meaning “Sun” hence the “time ( kala ) of the Sun ( tapa )” a speculation which could only be considered in light of other evidences.
“Those who believe the ancient peoples of Asia were incapable of crossing the ocean have completely lost sight of what the literary sources tell us concerning their ships and their navigation. Many of the peoples of Southeastern Asia had adopted Indian Hindu-Buddhist civilizations. The influences of the Hindu-Buddhist culture of southeast Asia in Mexico and particularly, among the Maya, are incredibly strong, and they have already disturbed some Americanists who don’t like to see them but cannot deny them.” Dr. Robert Heine Geldern anthropologist.
“ That primitive Aryan words and people came to America especially from Indo – Arya by the island chains of Polynesia. The very name of the boat in Mexico is “catamaran” a South Indian ( Tamil ) word. After 30 years of research i can now claim to have proved my theory of Hindu colonisation of America. The stones in every corner of America speak of Hindu influences “. Miles Poindexter – United States Ambassador.
“Ships that could cross the Indian Ocean were able to cross the Pacific too. Moreover, these ships were really larger and probably more sea-worthy than those of Columbus and Magellan.” “Ships of size that carried Fahien from India to China (through stormy China water) were certainly capable of proceeding all the way to Mexico and Peru by crossing the Pacific. One thousand years before the birth of Columbus Indian ships were far superior to any made in Europe up to the 18th century.” Dr. Robert Heine Geldern anthropologist.